Tuesday, January 04, 2005


It sucks when someone you truly care for ignores you completely…

Or worse yet, he doesn’t recognize you.

I had been meaning to write to my little boy, Sam. He is my pseudo-nephew from NZ. Met him several years back… 4 almost. We were 'inseparable.' We shared a lot of things, and I gave him the best advice I could when he asked anything. I'd call him on the phone and I even talked with his mom. Gaw... if I ever have a kid I hope it is as charming as he. I love the kid.

I wrote some time ago but the last thing I heard was that he was out of town, so I did not expect replies.

Today, I figured he should be back from his trip and I remembered his ID from one of the many chat programs that we have. My ID hardly changes from chat program to chat program: my initials and my nick. Has it been that long that he can’t remember my name and asks if we’ve ever known each other?

That caught me off guard… you know, the type that makes your cheeks redden in embarrassed disappointment. But I decided not to make a big deal out of it and told him who I was. He gave me a quick howdy and the only other thing he said aside from that was how cold it was over there. So I told him what I had logged on for to tell him and… that was that.

I hope he has a good new year…

I guess it is now time for me to put him into my little book of memories and close his chapter. And that just makes me so sad.


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does suck... I have to agree. It makes you want to smack them over the head.

Or at least, that's what I want to do.


At 10:10 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

Nah... just makes me get that tight knot in my throat... but it passes. If a person can forget you like that then... not even a smack will be enough to change it.


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