Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Got this from Karnov's.

1) Grab the nearest book.
2) Open the book to page 123.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the text of your sentence in your journal or weblog along with these instructions.
5) Don't search around for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

"The Greeks also used it as an incense in their temples."

This was actually the 2nd book I grabbed... the first and closest to me was a knotting book and aside from the Introduction all other pages were picture instructions. Soooo No 5th sentence. I had to go to my book case, close my eyes and pick randomly. ^_^

So what do you think this book is about?


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Darv said...

Probably a book on herbs or gardening. I think the herb is Myrh it is talking about.

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for some reason, my first thought was that it's a book on candlemaking or soapmaking. but gardening makes more sense.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Z said...

Hi Kitty,

I am the owner of the webring Creme de la Creme and I would love you to add your blog to the members list. Check out http://thecremedelacremevip.blogspot.com

T x

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

*blink blink* Wow. A ring, mah blog?

oOOooOo Grazie signora bella

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

Karnov was almost right on the dot. Herbs book, but the actual herb was Thyme. "The Herb Basket, An Illustrated Companion to Herbs" by Hazel Evans. ISBN 1-85833-848-4

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Darv said...

I was close. I think Thyme they use in tea, hmmm? I like the herb bergomont myself, It is good in a lot of teas.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

Actually I know nothing of herbs. hehe. This is a book my Grandma gave me... no idea why. :p


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