Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Fact or Fiction?

We all have seen movies (or at least trailers) about those flesh-eating, brain-craving, decomposing, dead, but reanimated corpses that become zombies right? There's been movies about this since what, the 1940s or 50s?

"They're coming for you! They're coming for- WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" *crunch crunch swallow gurble*

Night of the Living Dead. The Return of the Living Dead, The Return of the Night of the Living Dead, The Return of the Return of the Living Dead 105, Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of thd Dead, yadda yadda.

Those are definitely fiction.

Then we have the live zombies, those that are just like us but lack a certain free will, such as the Haitian zombies found in the voodoo tradition. These zombies were people like us that unfortunately underwent some sort of ‘zombification’ via spells or potions, and now are nothing but dolls to use as slaves. ... *shudders*

That was... fact. Fact, yeah... I guess. Scary to think that it actually happens. Brain deadness of a sort, I suppose.

But what about DEAD people that actually come back to a state of ANIMATION (not alive... alive would be like those ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ type of things). Animation as in, they just spring back up after being dead, but there is no thought, coherence, recognitions, etc, etc. They are just... moving corpses.

Is this idea conceivable? If it is, is it possible to happen?


Read on:

Nothing too big... it may actually be shorter than what I just wrote.

However I begin to put aside the whole 'fact of fiction' concept and I begin to wonder: Fake?


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All fiction has some grain of truth. Sometimes, though, that grain of truth becomes way to buried so you can't see it or even concieve it.

And after a while... everything just seems fake. And of course, with all those movies out there, the human population (at least american wise) are probably extremely desensitized to what could have been the truth.

^_^ Mwahahahaha... I so need to get a life.

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Z said...

Just to let you know that I am moving you to the members list. Welcome. I have sent an e-mail to you with your log in details.

Love, T x

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Darv said...

I liked the movie Forbiden Planet, from the 50's. Good movie.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Kitty said...

Lore: Indeed! Fiction does derive from some truth... and then the imagination expands it.

But didn't the website look fishy to you?

Karnov: I haven't seen that one... Then again, I haven't seen many horror movies, except 80s movies and those were kinda bad. hahaha.

T: Okies! thanks.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Z said...

Now I am freaked out. I said in my post about dreams and the zombie post I wrote a few weeks ago, that the idea of zombies (in any form) really freak me out. I have nightmares about them frequently.

Personally, I would rather believe that it couldn't happen. Way to scary ....

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the website does look fishy to me. I mean... a new strand of disease of malaria? Looking at what malaria is and where it comes from (go here)... it truly doesn't make sense to me that such a strand would need to evolve... not to mention, 100s if not 1000s would be infected by now.

Heh, I bet they were trying to cover something up and its some new virus being tested, etc, etc.

Oiy, now lets see how much my last statement sounds like someone who watches too much tv or too many movies.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

T: I'd be scared of zombies if I lived in Haiti or other jungle type of area that had witch doctors and the such. *shudders*

Lore: But I haven't found mention of this anywhere else... I mean, is like it's some sort of joke. I am not saying BBC would do such a thing, but someone could easily make an identical site to BBC's. Hmmm... I should check the BBC's IPs.

*runs off to check IPs*


Main IP for them is

Make your own deductions. :D

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Darv said...

"Main IP for them is"

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3 34 ms 13 ms 13 ms []
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14 99 ms 99 ms 100 ms []

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Trace complete.

Not fishy at all. o.O Looks like a pretty good mockup of BBC though.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

Yeah... oh and they changed the picture that was in the article before!

It is like... freaky now... >_<


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